Home Notice Box Top Stories School board says no to another audit

School board says no to another audit


XENIA — After more than two hours of public comments, debate, name calling, and an abrupt recess, the Xenia board of education voted against a curriculum audit to see if critical race theory is being taught in the district.

The audit was requested by board member Jeremy Cox, who cited a previous audit by Curriculum Management Solutions, Inc., which suggested another audit be performed. The CMSI audit did not specifically say CRT is or isn’t being taught in Xenia. Cox was the only board member to vote in favor of the audit.

Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that race is a social construct, and that racism is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.

Citizens packed the meeting area and most who spoke defended the curriculum and opined that CRT is not being taught. A few backed Cox and felt that another audit would not be an issue.

After Cox explained his rationale for requesting another audit — including why he submitted a proposal from a specific auditor, Jordan Adams — his fellow board members spoke with candor.

“I have kids that are in the district,” Joshua Day said. “Every decision you make impacts my children. You don’t want to piss me off. You have no skin in the game. You barely went to Xenia schools. This circus is something you alone caused. There’s only one clown in this show.”

Board President Mary Grech said she ran for a board spot because she disagreed with the way a request for proposal (RFP) was handled with the Educational Services Center a few years ago.

Grech said Cox brought one proposal and no others.

“As a business person, that is not the way … it’s done,” she said. “I’m not sure that is the way we need to do this.”

Later, Cox asked how much Superintendent Dr. Gabe Lofton was paid and how long has he been in the district.

“What’s that got to do with it,” Grech asked, adding a few minutes later, “He has done what he was hired to do and he’s done it well.”

Grech said not one parent has brought evidence of CRT but then said Cox brought “fear and division.”

At one point the meeting was brought to a halt when Darbi Boddy, a former Lakota school district board member in West Chester accused the board and Lofton of not believing in transparency and verbally attacking Lofton. Grech attempted to cut her off, but Bodie continued, causing Grech to ask for a recess. All board members but Cox voted to go into recess. Bodie continued to speak without a microphone while citizens in the audience tried to drown out her voice.

Prior to an executive session, Cox said the outcome was “disappointing.”

“I’ll leave it at that,” he said.

We are still dissecting all the public comments and a lengthy back-and-forth between Cox and Lofton and will update this story.

Reach Scott Halasz at 937-502-4507.