Home Notice Box Top Stories Xenia Township gives OK for firefighters grant

Xenia Township gives OK for firefighters grant


XENIA TOWNSHIP — The Xenia Township Board of Trustees recently accepted a Fiscal Year 2023 Assistance to Firefighters Grant in the amount of $226,037.

The grant will help the township fire department purchase new, essential equipment.

In 2018, the National Fire Protection Authorization (NFPA), established new standards for the manufacture and performance of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). Xenia Township’s current model of SCBA, MSA FireBank, was purchased in 2011, and was built to the standards in place at that time.

The importance of having reliable and updated life-saving equipment in use is essential to the performance of the duties of a firefighter, according to officials. Xenia Township fire administration and township administration support purchasing updated equipment within the financial resources available to the fire department.

“These funds will be used to replace our SCBAs with current equipment and improved capabilities,” said Chief Greg Beegle. “It is the recommendation of the Xenia Township Fire Administration that we purchase 26 New SCBAs and associated equipment as was delineated on the quote from from Fire Safety Services in the total amount of $215,532. Xenia Township would be required to contribute up to 59 percent of the total purchase of the SCBAs.”

Before the township can request/receive any of the federal funds awarded to them, trustees must establish acceptance of the award through the FEMA Grants Outcomes system.

As a condition of the grant, the fire department is required to contribute non-federal funds equal to or greater than 5 percent of the federal funds awarded $11,301 for a total approved budget of $237,338.

Reach Karen Rase at 937-502-4534.