Home 2024 Fair The legacy continues

The legacy continues

The legacy continues
<p>Some cattle was harder to wrangle than others.</p>

XENIA — David and Daniel Barron are veterans in the senior level feeder calf showmanship competition, but this year they were met with some harsh — and familiar — competition: Gracie Barron.

Gracie entered the senior level show for the first time this year, and at just 15 years old was one of the youngest in the class. Her brothers, David and Daniel, were in their last show at 18 years old. Despite the age gap, Gracie said she’s learned a lot over the years watching and training with her two brothers. The result? Gracie Barron finished second place overall, just above her brothers who took home third and fourth place ribbons.

For the Barron siblings, however, there was something more important than the ribbons at stake this year.

“This is the first year we’re all together in the same ring,” said Gracie. “So there’s bragging rights, that’s for sure.”

As the bragging-rights-winner, Gracie admitted that a lot of what she knows came from the years of experience her brothers already have.

“They’re pretty good, I think we’re all about the same,” she said. “What I’ve learned, I learned from David and Daniel. After that, I’ve picked up things from other people.”

This was a big year for the Barron family, but just the first senior-level competition for Gracie herself. In the years to come she hopes to carry the Barron name even further, maybe next time even taking home the first place trophy.

Contact Ethan Charles at 937-502-4532.