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Matson to retire from Greene County FISH Pantry

Matson to retire from Greene County FISH Pantry
<p>Gail Matson (in blue shirt), received $13,420 from the 100 Women group in May and was offered a matching grant of $5,000 from the Richard M. Schulzer Foundation.</p>

XENIA — Gail Matson is stepping down as executive director of the Greene County FISH Pantry in April 2025.

Her announcement was made at the July 25 Xenia City Council meeting.

“I’d like to take some time and travel,” Matson said. “There’s a lot of places my husband Tom and I would like to visit.”

Matson has headed the pantry since 2013 and has worked hard to make it sustainable. Although the food pantry needs of the community have increased, supplies on hand have not. Hence, Matson’s frequent public requests for canned goods, dairy, meat, fruit, and especially monetary donations are well-known.

“I like to help people in our community, no one should go hungry,” she said. “I’m not afraid to go out and beg on behalf of the pantry.”

Matson also spearheaded the move from the pantry’s former location on Ledbetter Road to its new location at 774 Cincinnati Avenue and helped raise the funds to make the necessary improvements a reality.

“I would like to thank the board of directors who are helping to make the pantry sustainable, the small staff who keeps me sane, the hundreds of volunteers who make the pantry possible, the many prayer warriors who help me when I need a lift, and the many friends whom I have met through the pantry,” Matson said. “I am one of the luckiest people to have been part of this organization for many years.”

Matson intends to assist the pantry after her retirement becomes effective with grant writing and fundraising.

”My one goal that I want to accomplish before I leave is to complete the warehouse and freezer/cooler project,” she added. “Also, to ensure continuity and sustainability for the pantry’s future.”

Matson started her long employment career at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base at 16. She eventually worked as a parts runner for a construction company and as a garage maintenance supervisor.

Reach Karen Rase at 937-502-4534.