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Xenia resident studying at Oxford University


XENIA — Andrew Saraga is getting a jump on his third year of college.

The life-long Xenia resident is spending the rest of the summer studying at Oxford University in England before beginning his third year at The Ohio State University.

He will be studying England’s law and legal system through early August.

Oxford provides a direct connection to his current studies as well. His unique major — philosophy, politics, and economics — was founded at Oxford. The American legal system was created based on the Anglo system in England.

“As I hope to be a lawyer in the future, I do not think there is a more relevant program for me,” Saraga said. “I have dreamed of and worked hard for this opportunity for years.”

Saraga spent the first part of his summer as an intern at the Strategic Ohio Council for Higher Education (SOCHE). SOCHE connects students, educators, government, businesses, employers, and other organizations to share information, access professional development opportunities, and close workforce gaps through increasing internships and research projects.

Saraga attended St. Brigid School and Carroll High School before going on to OSU. His parents, John and Donna Saraga, said they are extremely proud of their son and look forward to hearing about this once in a lifetime experience when he returns.